Dive Board Update

There are still a couple of slots open for the Great White Shark dive this October off Guadalupe Island, Mexico. If interested contact Bob or Dennis.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Diving in Texas?

Bob gave me some information regarding an old friend who has a dive shop in San Antonio.  Bob included the newsletter, which has information on what they do for fun in Texas viz a viz scuba diving.  I don't it think involves diving the River Walk--a must do if you are in San Antonio, but they do dive around Padre Island (near Houston) and there are some lakes, which I am not familiar.  If you have an insight on Texas diving, or would like a copy of their newsletter drop a line here or contact me.

1 comment:

  1. hi guys,
    would you happen to be part of the group coming down to san salvador island bahamas, march 17? if so, i'll be your guide/DM and was wondering if there were any questions i can answer or any help i can give you. my name is john fraser and my email address is utilajohn@yahoo.ca. looking forward to any help i can give you(if it is you). if not, well have a great day anyway
